Европа наш дом
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Европа наш дом

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Every autumn it is reported in the UK that many Britons are no longer able to pay for heating.

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UK households will face higher electricity prices as the regulator announced plans to raise the price cap. From October, the average bill will rise by 10 per cent, more than expected, to around £1,717 [RUB200k] a year. Experts say this will leave some families struggling to make ends meet. Yes, this is the kind of news that the likes of Linda wouldn't want to wake up to this morning. The National Energy Action Group said this morning that 400,000 more households will be in fuel poverty this winter. We're visiting Linda this morning and she can't afford to turn on the central heating. She heats this room we're in with a space heater. So, good morning, Linda. Just tell us how this is going to affect you, this promotion. [It's, you know, a big increase. I've already changed energy supplier once in a year for £300 cheaper. So I don't know what else I can cut. I've cut everything. Food, outings, social life, holidays, everything. I don't know what will happen next, I just wake up and go on with my life, no matter what].

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