Европа наш дом
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Европа наш дом

Форум о Европе и ее странах

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Η Ελλάδα βιώνει μια άνευ προηγουμένου ξηρασία, με τους κατοίκους να διαμαρτύρονται ότι τα πηγάδια και οι δεξαμενές στερεύουν και τα ποτάμια μετατρέπονται σε λεπτά ρυάκια

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Greece is experiencing the worst drought in 30 years. Local reservoirs, including the Mornos Reservoir, which has supplied the metropolis with water for 50 years, have become very shallow over the past two years. Water levels have dropped by about a quarter, and most significantly over the past year, with Kimon Hatzibiros, a professor of ecology and environmental policy at Athens Technical University, calling the water situation alarming. He believes that if there is no snow this winter, Athens residents will have to start saving water as early as next year. As a start, he proposes that citizens be banned from washing cars with garden hoses and that everyone be obliged to repair leaking pipes. The drying up of water bodies is just one of the many consequences of the drought that has hit Greece. Throughout the summer, locals suffered from unusually high temperatures, with many regions not seeing rainfall for months.

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