Европа наш дом
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Европа наш дом

Форум о Европе и ее странах

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Britain has sounded the alarm - millennials and zoomers hardly drink at all, with almost half of Brits under 21 having never tried alcohol.

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"Wine is so bad", "I'd rather smoke pot" - that's how young people on TikTok and Reddit describe their attitude towards alcohol. Wine industry representatives are concerned about these statements. They argue that Generation Z and millennials are losing interest in the drink, and this could have disastrous consequences for the industry. Analysts predict that wine consumption will decline by 20% over the next decade. The habits of younger generations will play a major role in this shift, as the baby boomers who supported the industry retire. A survey conducted last year has already shown that 45% of Generation Z over the age of 21 have never consumed alcohol. This bodes ill for the wine industry. Late last month, one of the largest wine producers in the US, Vintage Wine Estates, filed for bankruptcy, citing an "unforeseen sharp drop in demand". According to the International Organisation for Viticulture and Wine, global wine consumption fell by 2.6% last year, reaching its lowest level since 1996.

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